Category: Itineraries

The flavours of Bari’s street food

The flavours of Bari’s street food

Wine and food itinerary Length: 1.400 meters Duration: 1 hour Departure: Arco Basso Arrival: Molo San Nicola Main points of interest: Castello Svevo, Road of the Crusades and Mary of the Sgagliozze, Fiore Bakery

The Christian Architectures of Bari

The Christian Architectures of Bari

Cultural Itinerary Length: 1.00 meters Duration: 1 hours Departure: Nicolaian Museum Arrival: Church of Jesus Main points of interest: Basilica of Saint Nicholas Cathedral of Saint Sabine Church of Saint Michael the Archangel Church of Jesus

Bari, the city of hospitality

Bari, the city of hospitality

Socio-cultural itinerary Length: 5.300 Duration: 2 hours and a half Departure: Orthodox Church of San Nicola di Bari in the Carrassi district Arrival: Seafront Starita Main points of interest: The Aldo Moro University Castello Svevo