Saint Nicholas between the catholic church and the orthodox church

Saint Nicholas is the saint who portrays the ecumenical vocation the most. In fact, irreproachable historical sources show us that the Nicolaian cult was widespread both in the West and in the East, before and after the transfer of his bones to Bari.

Through the centuries, pilgrimages to the Saint’s tomb, first to Mira and then to the Nicolaian Citadel, saw people from the East and peoples from the West meet with singular continuity.

The cult of the Saint, as well as being extraordinarily extensive and lasting through the centuries, still agrees today with believers and non-believers, harmonizes different religious confessions.

Saint Nicholas is defined as the “Saint without boundaries”.

Below we propose an in-depth examination of the cult of the Saint, his birth and spread, focusing in particular on the two Confessions that venerate him with greater devotion: the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.